31 Mart 2024

“‘Bir Başka Hayata Karşı’: 1980 Sonrası İslamcı Dergilerde Meseleler, Kavramlar ve İsimler”

"'Against Another Life': Issues, Concepts and Names in Post-1980 Islamist Journals"

The Islamist Journals Project (IDP), which has been carried out by İLEM (Association for Scientific Studies) with great devotion and intensive work since 2013, has brought to light a unique archive with the completion of its third phase. The meeting of these sources with researchers has not only led to the revision of the memorization of the recent Islamic thought, but also opened a detailed examination of the origins of the current debates.


As a fruit of and complementary to the Islamist Journals Project, which aims to examine the one hundred-year course of Islamism from 1908 to the present day through primary sources, "'Against Another Life': Issues, Concepts and Names in Post-1980 Islamist Journals". This book, edited by Lütfi Sunar, examined the basic dynamics, founding names and discussion areas of Islamist journals published after 1980, and was presented to the readers as a corpus of 72 articles, 49 personal portraits and 47 magazine articles in 4 volumes with the contributions of 116 authors.


With this 4-volume corpus, the journals published after 1980 are examined from a rich perspective, through a historical inquiry and on different themes. This work, which reveals certain breaking points of Islamist thought, its tendencies and its relationship with other social actors through in-depth discussions, includes the fruits of the first two phases of the IDP, "Islamist Journals Between 1960-1980" and "Islam'ı Uyandırmak (Waking Up Islam) (2), which examines the period between 1908-1960.


Publication Type: Book


Publication Date: May 2019


Publisher : Konya Metropolitan Municipality Culture Publications


Volume No: 4


Lütfi Sunar